Most men in Mumbai have infertility due to varicocele. So, they opt for IVF to resolve their infertility and visit an IVF centre in Mumbai, India. Are you having varicocele-associated infertility as well?

In this article, we have discussed whether varicocele affects fertility and when you should visit a doctor for treatment.

Let us start by understanding what varicoceles is.

What is a varicocele?

A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins in the loose skin bag that holds the testicles. A varicocele is the same as a varicose vein that can be found in the leg. Varicoceles can cause low sperm production and poor sperm quality, which leads to infertility.

If you have a varicocele, you might have tenderness and swelling of the scrotum.

Now let us proceed to the main question.

Do varicoceles cause infertility?

In some cases, men with varicoceles do not have fertility complications. However, infertility rates among males with varicoceles are high than those without them. This variation may come because of varicoceles disturbing your body’s ability to store and create sperm.

The major issue with varicoceles is that your vein’s bulge may reduce sperm count and harm the quality of your sperms. 

Causes and risk factors

 Your veins contain a valve that prevents blood from flowing backwards, but sometimes the valve cannot do so. This causes your blood to flow back, which causes swelling and harms your veins.

Experts do not fully know what makes your valves fail and cause varicoceles. Research showed that smoking might be a risk factor for varicocele. The same study showed no link between alcohol and varicoceles.

In some cases, stomach growth can apply pressure over your veins, causing varicocele. The problem prevalent in men who are above 45 years old.

In most males, a varicocele has no apparent cause. It is good for you to visit a specialist to determine the exact reason for this condition.

Treatment for varicocele-related infertility

If you have a reduced sperm count and varicoceles, you may need treatment. However, even after treatment, many men go on to have varicocele-linked infertility. In these cases, it is good to search and visit one of the best IVF doctor in Mumbai, India to learn more about IVF and other ART techniques.

Usually, varicoceles do not cause any symptoms and do not require treatment. A varicocele may need to be treated when:

  • You have reduced sperm count and varicocele or other complications with sperm.
  • The varicocele is causing pain or swelling.
  • If you and your partner have unexplained infertility, and the male has a varicocele.

If you go to have treatment, you have three choices:

  • Embolization

Embolization is a treatment that temporarily stops your blood supply. A doctor can carry out this procedure in their office with local anesthesia. You will not feel pain on the site.

You might have some tenderness and pain after the procedure, but recovery time is less, and you can go back to your routine.

If embolization is not helpful, specialists may try another procedure to treat the varicocele.

  • Surgery

Your doctor stops the blood flow to your affected vein and surgically takes out a varicocele. The surgery is known as a varicocelectomy.

You will get general anaesthesia before the varicocelectomy, but you might feel some tenderness and pain for a few days after surgery.

  • IVF treatment

Most men with varicoceleattain fatherhood with IVF treatment. IVF is a procedure in which eggs and sperms are retrieved and fertilized inside a lab. An IVF specialist will retrieve your sperms and mix them with the eggs inside a lab. Then the resulting embryo will be moved to the women’s uterus. 

As varicocele causes reduced sperm count, visiting an IVF centre is the best method if you do not want surgery. It is also the best choice if you continue to have infertility after surgery.


If you have a varicocele, you should talk to your specialist and learn about various treatment options. In some cases, surgery may be the best option. In other cases, you or your partner may have better outcomes with assisted fertilization methods, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI).

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