Infertility is a heartbreaking reality for so many couples who want nothing more than to become parents. Infertility is described as the inability to conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse.

According to the ISAR (Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction), approximately 10 – 14 % of Indians are currently infertile, with rates greater in metropolitan areas where about 1 in 6 couples are affected.

But there is hope!

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, an acclaimed fertility specialist in Mumbai, says there are many treatment options available for couples who are struggling to conceive. One of the most common is in vitro fertilization (IVF).

IVF is a complex set of procedures that involves retrieving eggs from the ovaries of the woman, fertilizing them in a laboratory with the man’s sperm, and transferring the embryo back into the woman’s uterus. IVF can be an effective treatment for many couples struggling with fertility problems.

However, success rates vary depending on a number of factors.

What are the factors that influence the success of IVF?

There are many reasons why a couple may be unable to conceive. Often, it is due to a problem with the man’s sperm. In about 40% of infertile couples, the man has a low sperm count or poor sperm quality. In about 30% of cases, the woman has a problem with her eggs. This may be due to poor egg quality or problems with ovulation.

In about 20% of cases of women’s infertility, there is a problem with the uterine lining. This may make it difficult for the embryo to implant or for the pregnancy to continue. In about 10% of cases, there is a problem with the fallopian tubes. This may prevent the egg and sperm from meeting or the embryo from reaching the uterus.

In some cases, the cause of infertility is unknown.

Below, we will discuss 6 of the common factors that can influence the success of IVF.


One of the most critical factors that determine the success of IVF is the age of the woman.

Generally, women under the age of 35 have the highest success rates. Women aged 35-37 have slightly lower success rates, while those aged 38-40 have even lower success rates.

After the age of 40, the success rates of IVF drop significantly. This is due to the fact that the eggs of older women are often of poor quality, which makes them less likely to be fertilized and result in a healthy pregnancy.

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, often regarded as the best IVF doctor in India, says that people who wish to delay having a child can opt for cryopreservation to freeze their reproductive elements and preserve their fertility.

Quality of eggs, sperm, and embryo

The number of eggs retrieved during the IVF process can also play a role in the success of the treatment. Generally, women who produce more eggs are more likely to have at least 1 fertilized egg and thus a higher chance of becoming pregnant.

  • Eggs that are of poor quality are less likely to be fertilized and result in a healthy pregnancy. In the unlikely occasion that the patient’s eggs are of poor quality, owing to age or other factors, a donor egg can be used to improve the chances of a successful IVF.
  • Similarly, the success of IVF also depends on the sperm count, quality, and motility (ability to move fast and reach an egg) of sperm. Men need to note that they are most fertile before 40, and the quality of their semen also decreases with age.
  • Lastly, the embryo that is implanted in your uterus also has to be of the best quality.

That is why the eminent IVF specialist Dr. Hrishikesh Pai at Bloom IVF Clinic, frequently called the best IVF Centre in India, prefers employing the Blastocyst culture and transfer technique. This technique provides him increased certainty in determining the highest potential embryo for implantation while lowering the risk of multiple pregnancies.


The lifestyle of the woman can also play a role in the success of an IVF.

Women who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol excessively, or use recreational drugs are less likely to have a successful IVF cycle. This is because smoking, consuming alcohol, and using drugs can damage your eggs and make them less likely to be fertilized. These habits can also cause DNA damage in sperms.

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, an accomplished infertility specialist in India, recommends that women considering an IVF procedure stop these activities at least 3 months before the procedure.


Another critical factor that can influence the success of IVF is the weight of the woman.

Women who are overweight or obese often have lower success rates than women who are of average weight. This is because being overweight can lead to hormonal imbalances and impact the way your body processes IVF fertility drugs, which can make it more difficult to conceive.

In addition, overweight women are more likely to suffer from conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can also make it more difficult to conceive.

Mental health

A person’s mental health and their chances of successfully undergoing implantation are both impacted by the negative environment that is frequently created by the anticipation and uncertainty of what the future may hold. Women who are under a lot of stress are also less likely to have a successful IVF cycle. This is because stress can interfere with ovulation and make it more difficult to conceive.

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, a renowned infertility doctor in India, says it is essential to manage your stress levels during the IVF process in order to improve your chances of success.

Whether it is meditation, exercise, time outside, self-care, or any other activity that causes you to feel positive about yourself, it is crucial to do these things throughout your IVF process.

Previous pregnancy

A successful in vitro fertilization pregnancy is more likely to occur in a couple that has already experienced a successful pregnancy earlier. On the other hand, multiple miscarriages and problems with fertility in the past could make IVF more challenging.


Infertility is a real and often devastating condition that affects millions of people around the world. It is a topic that has often been shrouded in secrecy and shame, but it is now time to break the silence. It is time to start talking about it, remove the stigma, and offer support to those who need it.

Please remember that age, weight, number of eggs retrieved, quality of eggs, sperm, and embryo, lifestyle, weight, and stress levels are all important factors that can influence the success of IVF.

When opting for an IVF procedure, it is important to discuss various factors with a top-notch IVF doctor like Dr. Hrishikesh Pai to determine whether the treatment is right for you.

If you are considering IVF, you can visit any of the Bloom IVF Centres, including the state-of-the-art Bloom IVF Centre in Mumbai. With over 35 years of gynecological expertise, Dr. Pai is among the preferred IVF specialists for people seeking infertility treatment in India.

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